Become A Member

Do you love great food and fine wine? If you’d like to expand your knowledge of both while in the company of other like-minded people, we invite you to become a member of the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs.

fine dining stock photo

As a member, you...

Are a member of an international gastronomic society with chapters around the world;
Belong to a fellowship of professional and non-professional members;
Are a member of the Vancouver Bailliage with access to all local events;
Are entitled to attend Chaîne events worldwide;
Can enjoy the member benefits offered by all Chaîne properties.

Become a member today!

The Vancouver Bailliage is pleased to welcome new professional and non-professional members.

  1. If you are interested in joining the Chaîne, please contact the Bailli.
  2. Potential members are encouraged to attend at least one Chaîne dining event. To attend a dinner, please contact the Bailli.
  3. Once you’ve decided to join, you will receive the Chaîne membership form. The completed form (along with the joining fee) is sent to Chaîne  international headquarters in Paris.

What new members get

  1. New members enjoy full privileges of local Chaîne membership immediately upon receipt of the completed membership form and fees.
  2. New members receive full membership in the year of their joining as well as full membership for the following year. Joining early in the year maximizes your membership.
  3. New members are inducted into the Chaîne by the National Bailli of Canada at a formal dinner held each year in November. Each member receives a distinctive professional or non-professional Chaîne ribbon as part of the induction ceremony.

Discover la Chaîne

The brand new brochure is available for all.  Please give it a browse and don’t hesitate to share it!

Paying Dues

Login to your account and go to My Account page to access details for paying dues. You must have an approved account to pay dues and reserve for events.

Join the Chaîne for Vancouver's best fine dining and wine experiences!

Indulge in Vancouver's culinary excellence – Join Chaîne for fine dining, exceptional wines, and join a vast global culinary community made up of over 20,000 members.